Monday, July 16, 2007

SPIDER-MAN 3 (Playstation 3)

They say there are only two certainties in life - death and taxes.
In the world of gaming, you could also add to that - every Hollywood action blockbuster will be quickly followed by a console game.
Yes, Spidey’s back.
Activision has wisely released Spider-Man 3 for the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 systems to coincide with the silver-screen released of the movie of the same name.
Sadly, there is a limited cross-over between the game and the movie in so far as the storyline - but then again, none of the other three incarnations of the game have ever managed that either and all three proved a hit with gamers.
As with its predecessors, Spider-Man 3 is set smack-bang in the heart of New York City, a city wracked with crime, violence and idiot drivers.
Like in the movie, Spider-Man, aka Peter Parker, returns to fight for truth, justice, and brightly coloured tokens that can be found littered around the rooftops and alleyways of The Big Apple. Ok that last bit isn’t in the movie.
However, as in the film itself, Peter Parker does have a major chip on his shoulder and is more than happy to slap, punch, kick and generally physically abuse as many crooks and crims as humanly possible.
You’ll also get to play Spider-Man in his black suit, as he tries to rid the city of villains such as the Sandman, the new-look Green Goblin, and Venom.
And much like other Spider-Man games, there’s a host of other bad-guys to practice your fighting skills against, such as Scorpion, Lizard and Kingpin, who all make welcome returns.
For those who have played previous Spider-Man games, gameplay remains pretty much the same. The controls to spin webs and swing your way through the city is basically retained.
Graphically, the game hasn’t changed that much, which is a little disappointing considering this is the first Spider-Man release for the next-gen PS3 and 360.
That said, the background and surrounds are more detailed than before.
As with Spider-Man 2, the game itself is littered with minor missions strewn throughout the city which help you hone your abilities and build up your strength, dexterity and a host of improved skills, with overall main missions forming the base of the Spider-Man 3 storyline.
Aside from all that, the basic premise of the game is combat - beating up villains of varying strengths and abilities. Some are easy, some are much more difficult, particularly as you move through the game.
The combat system is also nothing new for fans of the series. And as with previous versions of the game, this is another area that can become frustrating, particularly with the in-game camera system, which never really lets you see exactly what you need to see. It‘s either too close or not centred, and the constant movement of the camera can make seemingly innocuous situations all-the-more difficult.
That said, if you are a fan of the Spider-Man console series of games, you’ll find this new incarnation as enjoyable as ever.
The soundtrack is a major drawcard, with the film’s cast - Tobey Maguire, Thomas Hayden Church (Sandman), James Franco (Goblin) and Topher Grace (Venom) all providing the voice-overs for their respective characters.
Sadly (or perhaps not), Kirsten Dunst’s character hasn’t been written into the script.
Overall, Spider-Man 3 doesn’t offer a lot new to the series, bar two or three new villains, but no doubt fans will be in a spin to get their hands on a copy.

Graphics: 7
Sounds: 8
Gameplay: 7.5

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